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〒252-0804 神奈川県藤沢市湘南台2-16-1 
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フットケア科HOME時間・料金巻き爪矯正例予約状況オーダー インソールorder  insoleよくある   質問アクセスお問い合わせ
リンクエキテンヘルモアみんなの   治療院しんきゅう  コンパス接骨ネット骨FIX骨FIX腰痛.com交通事故治療   無料相談


 An insole is the insole of shoes absorbing a shock not to come to have a pain in foot when I walk.When the road surface where we live is uneven,and it is hard concrete,and there is ups and downs like stairs and a slope,the environment is hard to say that you may determine it.Various burdens hang over the body by continuing living under such environment,but crear the stress from them by the body balancing unconsciously.However,pressure hangs over the specific part and causes bowlegs and an ingrown nail,shoes octopus and the hallux valgus without being able to break up a shock from the ground well. when shoes and an insole do not fit a foot.A lot of one come to with a knee ache and low back pain,an ingrown nail and a corn came to our hospital,but noticed that most of patient who recurred even if symptoms were produced once had a produced once had a probrem with a walk.If an insole filling a foot and the gap of shoes has many it,but it does not originally make it in consideration of a human being "walking,"at all of the meaning there is not it.
It is the technique for the purpose of arriving at the best movement after the DYMOCO fitting to perform at our hospital measuring length and the width of the foot finely,and the weight suffering from which part of the sole,or confirming it,and having found out a habit of the how to walk.


First visit  【Hours】
9:00a.m-12:40p.m  3:00p.m-6:40p.m
Wednesday afternoon.Saturday afternoon.Sunday
Medical inquiry
 Past injury. Physical symptoms of current.
Shoes that you want to put the insole.
Please choose the insole of your choice.
(Please refer to the following rates)
Size measurement
 The measurement of foot width, foot line and leg length.
Plantar pressure 
 Diagnose the load status of the sole of standing at rest by using the footprinter.
Walking taking a picture
  Observe the walking posture and way of walking.
This is the most important test for choosing the pad of the insole.
Shoe deposit 
Second visit  【Hours】
9:00a.m-13:00p.m  3:00p.m-7:30p.m

Wednesday afternoon.Saturday afternoon.Sunday
 Chose the insole when 1st check your feet condition.
If we will keep your shoes at the time of inspection,we will adjust according to your size by the next visit.
The third visit  【Weekday】【Saturdays】 12:30p.m-13:30p.m  Only available on Wednesdays
or Saturdays if this is the first time.
 Pad match 
  Select the best one from about15 types pads, and then it will be attached on the back of the insole to fit the shape of your foot.
 Pad grinding 
  To smooth the step of the pad using a grinder.
It is the completion of made-to-orderinsole through these processes; we can customize the insole just for you. We accept to adjust free up to two times within two months from the creation.
 If you have some troubles such as the following,  we will recommend this insole!
 ・   Ingrown nail
 ・   Hallux valgus
 ・   Knee osteoarthritis
 ・   Heel pain
sneaker  boots
pumps  spike
loafers  businessshoes

Examination Price 

Draw Price
 Kind of shoes Base insole  Feature 
 sneakers basecup 
draw price
The most orthodox insolemade with lining material that is easy to adjust to a foot.
draw price
The insole is thin and ultra-light, and also having excellent shock absorption.
draw price
The most popular insole has good breath ability and cushioning.
draw price
This insole is providing a comfortable walking and it will significantly reduce the fatigue.
draw price
The W russell structure is smooth and comfortable to wear with excellent cushioning and quick-drying characteristics.

running air

draw price
Insole to avoid running failure and improve running performance.
 loafers  sorbo
draw price
This half-type insole absorb the impact on the heel and arch, and toe is not so tight. 
 pumps    sorbo
hallux valgus
draw price
Good for women because of ultra-thin, and it adapted to these symptoms, UONOME, hallux valgus etc….
hallux valgus
draw price
Half-type insole which the toe is not tight even in highheels.
draw price
High evaluate medical insole.
  boots sorbo
draw price

This insole is providing a comfortable walking and it will significantly reduce the fatigue. 
draw price
This Light-weight insole is help to easy walk.
And it fit your feet comfortable.
draw price
Good for child
Size 15 cm to 23 cm.
Kind of sports   
sorbo tennis
sorbo basketball
sorbo baseball
sorbo volleyball
draw price

sorbo golf
sorbo soccer
sorbo running air
sorbo walking

draw price


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